ONO Talents
With so much development experience under their collective belt, this team has weathered the storm of evolving technologies, from the days of dial-up internet to the era of 5G. So, when you entrust your web project to them, you’re not just getting experts; you’re getting seasoned, battle-tested, and highly caffeinated web artisans ready to create digital magic. Picture a team of 12 web developers as the Avengers of the internet, but with fewer capes and more coding skills. With the power of teamwork and a knack for making websites, this dynamic dozen will have your online presence looking so good that even your grandma will want to bookmark it. This remarkable team of web developers is no stranger to the world of business success. These tech-savvy maestros have a track record of turning digital dreams into cold, hard cash. Their ability to transform ideas into profitable online ventures is nothing short of extraordinary.
Chat sales conversion Specialist
We are looking for a remarkable Chat Sales Conversion Specialist to become part of our team of exceptional team. You will be responsible for engaging with potential customers through chat and converting them into paying clients. You will work closely with our sales and marketing teams to ensure that we meet our business goals.The ideal candidate should have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, as well as the ability to multitask in a fast-paced environment. You should also have experience in customer service or sales, preferably in an online setting.If you are passionate about helping businesses succeed online and want to be part of a dynamic team of experts who create digital magic every day, then this is the job for you! Join us now and let's turn digital dreams into profitable realities together. Your primary responsibility is to engage with potential customers and guide them through the onboarding process for our cutting-edge AI sales representative software. Your role involves using conversation skills to highlight the unique advantages of our software and convincing customers that it is the best option for their business needs.
Frontend web developer
We are seeking a highly skilled Frontend Web Developer to join our remarkable team of web artisans. As a member of this dynamic dozen, you will be responsible for creating visually stunning and user-friendly websites that exceed client expectations. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other frontend technologies. You must also possess excellent communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively with designers, developers, and project managers. If you're passionate about creating digital magic and transforming ideas into profitable online ventures, then we want you on our team! Join us as we continue to push the boundaries of web development and deliver exceptional results for our clients.
Digital marketing specialist
We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Digital Marketing Specialist to join our remarkable team of web developers. As a Digital Marketing Specialist, you will be responsible for developing and executing digital marketing strategies that drive traffic, engagement, and conversions for our clients' websites. You will work closely with the development team to ensure that all website content is optimized for search engines and social media platforms. Additionally, you will analyze data from various sources to measure the effectiveness of campaigns and make recommendations for improvement.
Office secretary
Our company is seeking an office secretary to join our dynamic team. As the first point of contact for clients and visitors, you will be responsible for managing phone calls, scheduling appointments, greeting guests, and performing various administrative tasks. The ideal candidate should have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, as well as strong organizational abilities. You must be able to work independently while also being a team player who can collaborate effectively with other members of the staff. A positive attitude and a willingness to learn are essential qualities we seek in our candidates. If you are looking for an exciting opportunity to work with a group of talented professionals who are passionate about creating digital magic on the web while having fun doing it - then this job is perfect for you!
Software developer in React (Next.js) and / or Yii (PhP)
Cautam un dezvoltator software talentat, cu experienta sau cel putin cu dorinta de a invata React (Next.js) si / sau Yii (PhP), pentru a se alatura echipei noastre. Daca esti pasionat de tehnologie si ai o dorinta puternica de a crea proiecte digitale uimitoare, atunci acest job este perfect pentru tine! Alaturandu-te echipei noastre, vei avea sansa sa lucrezi cu cei mai buni profesionisti din domeniu si sa-ti perfectionezi abilitatile in ceea ce priveste dezvoltarea web. Vei fi implicat in toate etapele procesului de creare a applicatiilor web - de la planificare pana la lansarea finala - iar rezultatele muncii tale vor fi vizibile pe internetul larg. Daca iti place sa lucrezi intr-un mediu dinamic si creativ, unde fiecare zi aduce noi provocari si oportunitati interesante, atunci nu ezita sa aplici pentru acest post! Principalul produs pe care le dezvoltam in acest moment este aceasta solutie software care ajuta companiile sa imbunatateasca metoda de recrutare oferind posibilitatea unui interviu iar apoi teste tehnice cu raspunsuri grila.